Our Address

Zip Code:
35 Hallahan Road
North Lawrence
New York
+1 315 276 5415

Office Hours

Tuesday-Friday: 10 am - 7 pm
Saturday-Sunday: 10 am - 7 pm
CLOSED Mondays!

Board of Directors

Anne Foley - President
Michael Woods - Vice-President
Cynthia Rivers - Secretary
Michelle White - Treasurer
Dan Snyder - Director of Operations
Sabra Barbaria - Programming Director
Leigha Burkhalter - Grants Director

Federal EIN: 46-4239165
NYS Non-profit ID: 140304000642
NYS Registered Charity ID: 44-56-21

About Us

A Little Bit of Heaven is a New York State registered non-profit equine rehabilitation center with federal 501(c)(3) status pending. It grew out of a for-profit business that was also equine related. Late in the summer of 2013, we began getting requests from local people to take their unwanted horses, which would otherwise be sent to slaughter. Many of these horses were in need of training or extra care, but had great potential to become something if they were given a chance. The word that we were accepting unwanted horses spread like wildfire, and we soon had to begin refusing horses as we were paying for their care out of the business profits. We took in and re-homed 21 horses that year, and refused over 15 due to lack of funding.

In 2014 calls began coming in early spring. We decided to open A Little Bit of Heaven as a non-profit charity to get some help from the public. Many people simply couldn't care for their horses anymore and, since they could not find another alternative, were considering sending them to slaughter. They were happy to have another option.

Since our inception, we have received many calls about similar situations, and discovered that most similar facilities are operating at full capacity. We at A Little Bit of Heaven rely solely on the generous donations from the public to help us help these horses!


The facilities are not the greatest, but that is a work in progress. The Owls Head herd looks really good, and is starting to friendly up. The other horses at the facility look really good as well. These people genuinely put the horses first. I was really pleased with the looks of the horses. They are doing a great job...
--Judy, Visitor from Owls Head, NY

Autumn and I have found a wonderful place to volunteer. This place is AMAZING! We can actually go into the fields with the horses and hang out. It was the coolest thing.